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Haddon Hall Vision
Next Steps in the Garden
Welcome to an overview of what is happening at Haddon Hall Baptist Church. One of the themes we have been developing centres around Haddon as a Garden. We have spent time together as a church thinking through how this image can be applied to our day to day lives at Haddon.
We are excited to advertise a new role at the church, a Mission and Discipleship Project Lead. We would love to grow the church, particularly in the area of young adults and are looking for a pioneering person, excited about reaching out to young adults and then discipling them. If you think this exciting opportunity could be for you then please see the details below.

The Garden
This metaphor is trying to summarise where Haddon is now and exploring what God might be saying to us for the future. The picture encompasses some key verses (Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22) from over the last couple of years as well as the overarching theme that we have felt God give us, to do with cultivation and wildness (John 15 and John 3:8).
The tree of life (with Jesus as the source of life) sits in the middle of the garden and the river (see verses above) feeds all that we are doing. Beneath the tree is a rest area to remind us that everything we do should come out of our relationship with God. We need time and space to ‘be’ with Him and renew our strength.
We should also keep in mind that any garden looks different in different seasons. There are different jobs to do at different points in our journey. So, we ask God, ‘What season are we in and what is it important to do in the garden during that season?’ Please see below for what we feel are the, 'Next steps in the Garden', for this season.
We are seeking to explore and develop each of the areas in 'Next Steps in the Garden'. Small teams of members will take responsibility for each area and spend time listening to God and working together, inspiring the rest of the church, to know what to do next.