020 7231 2155
Please scroll down to see what is going on each week. There are always a number of events advertised here so please keep scrolling to the bottom.

Life Groups
Life Groups are at the heart of Haddon life.They are smaller gatherings of the Haddon family that meet on a regular basis to help provide opportunity for connection, growth, and encouragement in our faith. These groups meet either in homes, across Bermondsey, or at the church building during the week. If you’d like to join a Life Group, or would like further details, then please contact Karina, in the office on:office@haddonhall.netor 020 7231 2155 We'd love to hear from you and get you connected.

Weekly Prayer
Online prayer time every Wednesday morning from 7am -7.30am. If you would like to join this prayer time please ask for the Zoom link or find it on the WhatsApp chat, Haddon Leaders' News.

Tower Tots
Every Monday, during term time, from 10-12 Tower Tots meets at Haddon.Tower Tots is a stay and play group for all under 5s and their carers. It is run by volunteers from Haddon Hall Baptist Church. Mums, dads, grandparents, childminders, nannies - everyone is welcome at Tower Tots. Snacks, songs and story time included.

Robes Winter Shelter
Our winter night shelter operates during the cold winter months to support rough sleepers in and around Southwark and Lambeth.Our shelters are warmly hosted by 30 or so churches in Southwark and Lambeth. Our devoted volunteers run the shelter with emergency on-call support available from the staff.At Haddon we are working alongside St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, to provide one of the shelters every Monday